Common Holiday Accidents

Holidays are always a crazy busy time of year. Everyone is rushing to get their presents wrapped, their tree looking perfect, and their outdoor lights displayed for the neighborhood to see. With all of the cheerful events and gatherings that take place during the holidays, it is hard to imagine that this time of year is also the most dangerous in relation to accidents and injuries. Holiday injuries are not to be taken lightly, but for the purpose of this blog post, it’s interesting to look back at some of the most unexpected and weirdest personal injuries that have been reported at this time of year.

1.     Every year at least 3 people break their arms while pulling holiday crackers.

2.     Over 200 people are admitted to hospital after not removing all the pins from new shirts.

3.     Over the last 10 years, 27 people have died testing batteries on their tongue.

4.     Hundreds of people cut themselves with knives and scissors they are using to open presents.

5.     Last year 2 people died eating holiday decorations they thought were chocolates.

6.     Since 1997, 26 people have died watering Christmas trees with the lights on.

7.     In 2007, 12 people sustained burns when trying on a new sweater with a cigarette in their mouth.

8.     Last year 52 children were admitted to hospital after swallowing the contents of perfume and cologne bottles.

9.     5 People suffered 3rd degree burns last year when trying to flame torch their Christmas pudding.

10.   Every year hundreds of people fall off ladders and break bones while hanging holiday decorations.

Bizarre, right? Most accidents happen in relation to icy roads, falling icicles, candles and fires, or hanging up lights, but these examples remind us how important it is  to be careful in all aspects of the holiday season. So, please take your time when you are hanging up Christmas decorations, leave a little earlier when traveling, and don’t eat any holiday decorations!



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